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Advertisement Request form
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Citroen Car Club of Queensland Inc.

PO Box 5203, Mount Gravatt East   Qld   4122


Please fill in and submit this form to advertise on our website and Facebook page.

CCCQ Member
Are you a current member of Citroen Car Club of Queensland Inc? Members do not pay to advertise on our website.
Enter wording and layout as you would like it to appear on our website.
Where is the item located
Where is the item located
Number of photos for this advertisement
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 8 files.
  1. I understand that the Citroën Car Club of Queensland Inc. will display my classified advertisement on the club’s website and in the club’s magazine Avant Garde for up to three months.
  2. I agree to advise the Citroën Car Club of Qld Inc. immediately if my advertisement is fulfilled.
  3. I agree to CCCQ publishing my name and contact details on the website so that I can be
  4. I have transferred $20 to the club’s bank account using my name as the reference.
  5. By submitting this form I agree to these conditions.

CCCQ bank account details:

Account Name: Citroen Car Club of Queensland Inc.
BSB: 484799
Account Number: 011351225

We will contact you when payment is received and the advertisement is uploaded to our website and we ask that you check that all details are correct.

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