50th Anniversary Citroen SM and the Citroen GS
Run/Picnic – Saturday 24th October 2020
Please join us in any model Citroen to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of two of Citroen’s outstanding models, the SM and the GS.
We will start our short (approximately 15 kilometres) run from Sellheim Street, Grange (please congregate in the street alongside the parks at the western end), meeting at 11.30am for a midday departure.
The run ends at the carpark at Einbunpin Lagoon Park, Sandgate. The initial plan is to use the Brighton Road carpark, however this is possibly still being used by market people, in which case if our numbers require we will park in Keogh Street near the Magistrates Court / RSL building.
The park has some shade trees and limited undercover areas, toilets, and is opposite shops and the Coffee Club. Please byo seating and picnic supplies.
Please advise Bruce Hoad if you are able to participate.